AGILITY : The ability of an organization to Out-Change & Anticipate competition by proactive & reactive thinking increasing speed, minimal disruption while respecting. Situation, knowledge and experience of people.

Defining agility is complex. Agility has the power to spearhead business, or for that matter any task, to great heights when implemented. Agility is the ability of an organisation to out-change and anticipate competition by proactive and reactive thinking, increasing speed, minimizing disruption all along while respecting the situation, knowledge and experience of people.

Definitions vary by words and terms but carry the essence that being able to take advantage of emerging opportunities is agility.Planning and working by acceptingthat change is important for growth is the cornerstone of agility. One of the most important factors in the world of agility is speed, pace. The time taken to decide what has to be done and the speed at which it is executed is vital. Since time plays a crucial role in business, a healthy sustainable pace is criticalto stay ahead of competitors.

Agility is planning and execution of work going hand-in-hand which allows an organisation to evolve optimal ordering of jobs and adapt to the ever changing requirements. In short being able to engage in predictable ways even in the face of extreme complexity is agility in modern day business.  Responding to evolving situations and not compromising on speed is agility. Praxis believes in the power of speed and thata healthy speed can propel an organisation sustainably to new realities of business.

At Praxis we believe that agility, a tough task to achieve, is taking that one step forward towards knowledge, respect, experience and vision through proactive and reactive thinking, at the right pace.